Stuffed Monsters 5 Mix and Match designs

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Stuffed Monsters!!!  Oh my heck– and how about 5 of them…with interchangeable parts.  I love the idea of letting the kiddos help pick out the character of their monster plushies.

Fill the table with felt- all colors, and let them go crazy!

Simple enough to cut out and start sewing.  What do you think your kids will come up with?

I am thinking the one with the ipod is pretty appropriate for one of my kiddos.

stuffed monsters

You can find the printable pattern for all 5 monsters here:

Stuffed Monsters- mix and match collection


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2 Responses

  1. Sue
    | Reply

    I’m having trouble downloading the

    pdf for the monsters.I think they
    would make a great addition to
    gramma sue’s halloween giveaways.
    thanks for your help

    • whosies
      | Reply

      Follow the link to the page where the pattern is posted. They have a few links at the bottom of the content to print off. Hope that helps!

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